July 23, 2016

You're already home where you feel loved

"Momma once told me / you're already home where you feel loved" 
- Lost In My Mind, The Head and the Heart

It has been a bit of a tumultuous week.

Going from Frazer Lake, where bears are as abundant as people, to town, where there are (comparably) many people. Thankfully, one of those people is Sebastian, who is visiting for two weeks...

... to thinking I have all my housing figured out, to learning that no, the week that two of my out-of-town friends will be visiting is the one week that I no longer have a place to stay. And then being generously offered a place to stay for all three of us...

...to learning that the cousin of a close friend lost her arm in a serious ATV accident, and seeing the community rally to support her...

... to having my mom officially move to Abu Dhabi, so that now both my parents are living in the UAE. Which is pretty difficult to wrap my head around.

This week has been a funny combination of feeling alone, supported, uprooted, welcomed, distant, and close.

I'm super thankful for those who have opened their hearts/homes/gardens/arms/everything and anything to me this summer. Much love to you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, A. Yes, so many transitions and changes in a matter of months~wow. So glad you are feeling the love of home. Thinking of you! Z
